A simple afternoon "filler" snack to hit all the right spots! This recipe will yield 2 servings:
- 1/2 tbsp Maple Syrup (Alternative: Honey Guru Immune Booster Honey)
- 1/4 tsp Vanilla
- 1/2 cup Oats
- 1 cup Coconut Milk (Or Milk of Your Choice)
- 3 tbsps AnGel Moss Sea Moss Gel
- Flax or Pumpkin Seeds
- Fresh Fruit
- Cinnamon
- Dark Chocolate
- Start with your base: Mix your oats, milk, and AnGel Moss gel into a bowl or jar of at least 700ml capacity. Add additional milk for a thinner consistency.
- Mix in your toppings. Use your discretion in your creation. Garnish with additional toppings.
- Separate your mixture into servings.
Tip: Set your oats in the fridge for a couple hours or overnight to allow your oats to absorb the milk.
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